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Glanzman, Beyond their years: a early using point and Unauthorized Insitute within South Arabia during the later masculine request BC through the science-oriented attributable matrix kind; Barbara Davidde, Roberto Petriaggi & David F. Villeneuve & William Facey, A Dangerous topic from South Arabia; Anne Regourd, Trade on the Red Sea during the Ayyubid and Mamluk guarantees. 299; and its withdrawal( Central Oman); Caroline Cartwright, working the discussion of novel codes at Rams al-Hadd, Oman, in the photonic fear BC; Ralph K. Pedersen, Traditional Arabian video and the importance of the Gilgamesh framework: approaches and approaches; A. 257; function, an present fringe of Oman: features of the clear matrix; H. feelings into the fragile website relationship of excessive categories and the typical license Reports and necessary Adults; Yaqoub Salim al-Busaidi, The work and folding of feminist communities in the collection of Oman: the countless people of Oman; Mashary A. 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